Our tour started off with Oxford, famous for Oxford University
commemorates three bishops who were burned at the stake for being found guilty of heresay.
Mum loves these olden, timbered, black and white, shakespearean buildings.
If you walk down Broad Street you can see the cross on the ground that marks the spot of where the bishops were executed.
Balliol College, one of thirty eight colleges part of Oxford University
If you stand here during exam results time, you can here the students screaming with joy... or crying with sadness.
Can you see the interesting stone heads of Roman emperors surrounding it?
For the next part of our tour, I was disappointed that I wasn't more of a Harry Potter fan as we got to visit...
... Christ Church College or better known as Hogwarts! :)
Hogwarts dining hall
A girl called Alice Liddel also attended this college. Charles Dodgson, a keen writer and mathematician who taught at the college became close friends with the Liddel family. He often took Alice and her siblings out on outings. Dodgson would often tell them stories that he had written and Alice loved them so much that he asked him to write down one particular story that Dodgson called 'Alice's Adventures Underground'. Can you guess who Charles Dodgson is better known as? :)
Can you spot the secret door that was the inspiration of the small door in 'Alice in Wonderland'?
Tom Quad Tower: largest quadrangle in all of Oxford's colleges

But Harry Potter isn't the only famous icon at Christ Church.
A girl called Alice Liddel also attended this college. Charles Dodgson, a keen writer and mathematician who taught at the college became close friends with the Liddel family. He often took Alice and her siblings out on outings. Dodgson would often tell them stories that he had written and Alice loved them so much that he asked him to write down one particular story that Dodgson called 'Alice's Adventures Underground'. Can you guess who Charles Dodgson is better known as? :)
On to Shakespeare's birth place: Straford-Upon-Avon.
Unfortunately we were unable to take pictures inside the house but they had the rooms set up for you to explore. You learnt about what Shakespeare's dad did for a living, when famous writers like Charles Dickens visited, and where sayings such as 'Good night, sleep tight' came about.

This was our landmark for meeting up with the rest of the tour group.

Quaint cottages: my future home
This photo is of my new, but now lost, friend who I met on the tour. She's a teacher as well, from South Africa. She was lovely and great to talk to about 'teacher stuff'. I wrote down her name to add her to facebook but there are too many names that are similar :( She was going to be my travel buddy too! :(
Part 3 of the tour and so far my favourite place in all of England:
The Cotswold region!
This is where I would like to retire. These photos don't do it justice. I high recommend you visit the Cotswold region if you're in the UK. :)