I've been so busy organising catch ups here and there. I'm thinking I came over to London at the wrong time as everyone seems to be coming this year! I'm slightly sad that I'll be leaving when everyone is just settling :(
This catch up was with two of my childhood friends (and their partners) who I've known for a very long time. We're not the closest and back home in Melbourne we didn't see each other that often, but these friends are the type of people who, when you do catch up, you feel like no time has passed between you.
Travis and Daniel - how we've all grown up :)
I made reservations at Sushi Hiroba for our dinner for two reasons: both of them missed out on coming to my birthday dinner and two, I had wanted to go back and experience the restaurant part. I'm glad I did go back... it definitely kept up its reputation :)
We decided to choose our foods from the conveyor belt instead of ordering individual dishes. It was so much fun being able to just sit at the table and have our food instantly appear in front of us :) Not having to deal with wait staff was actually really good. The only time we talked to the staff was when we ordered drinks and paid the bill :) Though the staff here are super friendly. Maybe they too enjoy having minimal contact with customers :)
Around and around they go. We did talk about what happens at the end of the night when the food would just keep going around. Do they discount the food? Can you tell which foods have been there for a while? We started to look for signs and did see a few plates of raw salmon slowly getting cooked from the heat of the lights! :S That's when you know it's getting late!

The plates were colour coded to catergorise them into the different prices. Green was the cheapest, gold was the most expensive.

Lydia overwhelmed by the choices.

Sandy's first pick! :D

Slowly our plate tower grew...
Some of the foods we ate:
(half the time I didn't really know what we were eating but everything tasted really good! Even the raw salmon that I don't usually eat!)

And it grew...

Mochi with ice cream inside! It was much better than the ones you get back home at yumcha except they were smaller.

Sandy and Travis

Daniel and Lydia

And it grew :D

Group shot :)
The night was filled with conversations about work, family, travels, food and lots of laughter. Thank you for a great night. I'll be seeing you all sooner than expected! :D