- the exact purpose of these rocks remains a mystery
- if we cut the stone in half, it will reveal blue and white speckled stone
- the stones range from 30-50 tonnes each
- approximately 600 men were needed to transport the stones
After spending an hour walking around and taking lots of photos of Stonehenge, we headed off to Bath - a beautiful tourist city that is better if you stay the night. There was so much to see and do but didn't have enough time!
Look at how symmetrical all the buildings are!
Bath Abbey - didn't get time to explore it.
Off to the Roman Baths... but not before spotting a Ben and Jerry Ice Cream Palour just opposite! Again, due to lack of time, I missed out! :(
I was so disappointed :(
Roman Baths
Ozbear decided to come with me on this day trip...
He even got to have a photo with a Roman lady!
By the time we explored the Roman Baths, we had about 1.5 hours to kill before we were due back on the bus. We hadn't eaten lunch yet so off we headed to the famous Sally Lunn's! Never heard of it? Well neither had I until my mum mentioned it. Sally Lunn (real name Solange Sollie Luyon was a Huguenot (French Protestant) who came to Bath in 1680. She worked in a Bath bakery, which is now known as Sally Lunn's, who made the famous buns. I stupidly forgot to take a photo of the buns for you but its similar to a breadroll only very crispy on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside! Can be eaten with sweet or savoury toppings!
Oooo...I've been to all these places! Deja vu reading your post...haha...Hope you're having lotsa lotsa fun where you are. Will miss you at my wedding :(
when were you in london shar?
london's been good now that i'm making more friends :) still miss you guys back home though... always reminded of you all when i look at my calandar!
not long to go before you become a mrs! excited? im sure you are. hope everything is going according to schedule so far... im so sad i will miss it... i will come home and watch the video! :)
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