One thing I will miss when I leave London is how often and so easily you can go see a musical. It's like going to the cinema, except it's more interactive.
There are a lot of websites and adverts that promote 50% off tickets or 10 pound promotion (which are usually not great seats) as well as dinner/theatre pakages where you basically get a free meal before the show at a reststaurant. Audrey sent me a link for one of the packages for Dirty Dancing and I immediately booked tickets! Booked two tickets, knowing Wern-Yi wouldn't be able to pass up the offer!
Our restaurant/bar was at a place called The Langley. Looks good from the photos but I think it was better known for its bar facilities rather than a restaurant. It did try to set a warm atmosphere with its velvet reds and browns.

Our table

My date for the night.

My meal: pan fried chicken breast on a bed of roasted potatoes and salad.

Wern-Yi's meal: Fish and chips!

Off to the theatre!

Inside the theatre: they had blue lights shining on the audience before the show started, probably to set the mood, but it was quite annoying when your seat was directly infront of it and the light was shining in your eyes. But it made a cool effect when taking photos! :)

And the musical? Well, it was FANTASTIC! :D The dancing was so amazing and, like every other dancing show/film, it made me want to start dancing again. The props and creative effects were so clever. I wonder how they come up with these ideas? During the show, one scene took place in the forest where a life size tree trunk was lowered down mechanically and filled most of the stage! Who would have thought of that? "How can we make a prop for this scene? I know, let's make a life size tree trunk and have it lowered down mechanically onto stage???" lol I would have loved to see the 'behind the scenes' of how they managed it!
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