The car show was held at Earl's Court Exhibition Centre. The Top Gear Live performance wasn't on until later in the evening so my friend, Bharat, and I decided to look around the showcases first. I wasn't that interested in the actual car showcases hence not many photos but also because my camera battery died :( I was not happy. However, I was happy that I manage to take the next two photos before it died:
Then it was time...
(photos courtesy of Bharat/internet)

I'm not a huge Top Gear fan but I must admit that the tv show is quite enjoyable to watch... most of the time. When they talk about the 'specs' of particular cars, its like another language to me. But when they come up with crazy yet ingenious experiements, I'm just as excited as my brothers.

Can you spot the three speckled dots that are meant to be the hosts?
I swear they're there! :P

It was hilarious as they were driving cars with only 3 wheels so they kept toppling over.
We also participated in the Cool/Uncool wall... exactly like you see on TV! :D We were given an A4 size of paper where one side had COOL and the other side, obviously, was UNCOOL. There were cameras above us that could actually read which side you held up and then processed it to feed it back to the wall. Depending on the number of cool or uncool votes it read, the computer could generate where the car would sit on the wall. And of course, Clarkson had his override button if he disagreed with the audience :P He also mentioned that everytime he was in Australia, he would have to use his override button nearly all the time?! What's that about?! :P
If you're in London next year, I highly recommend you buy tickets and go! Even if your not a car fanatic :) Now that I've seen Top Gear Live, I feel I need to start watching Top Gear on TV more to learn about cool (and uncool) cars :)
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