Being back home was just as I remembered it... not that I was expecting it to change very much. I caught up with a lot friends who I have missed dearly while living in London. Caught up with friends from all walks of life, some I didn't expect, which made the trip back home all worthwhile.
While I mainly spent a lot of time meeting up with friends, I also did enjoy the company of just being home with my family. One thing I really miss is going on our occasional family outings for birthdays, special celebrations or just the odd 'spending quality family time'. I don't know many of my friends who still choose to go out with their families/parents and actually enjoy spending a whole day with them. And although my parents can push my buttons sometimes, resulting in me getting frustrated with them, I do love them and the way they try so hard to make our family outings lots of fun. And my brothers and I always have a fun time teasing them :)
So for this family outing, we choose to take a day trip to Sorrento. The weather didn't look too good in the morning as we left the house, but the clouds parted and the sun welcomed us as we reached Sorrento.

Can you get any more blue than that???
My brothers showing their silly sides :)
'Woohoo, my sisters back, let's do a dance!'

'And she's a lot meatier, let's eat her!'

Old railway tracks.

Dad wanted to act out pretending to be tied up and placed on the train tracks. lol

Don't know what mum's doing on the tracks!

Some sort of maze.

Beautiful views.

We couldn't go to Sorrento and not sit by the beach eating... and chips! :D

Not the best photo to represent a $7.50 vanilla slice!
It also doesn't show how big the slice actually was.
But it was gooooooood. You would hope so for $7.50!
How good? Let my brother show you...

Finger licking good :D

Contemplating life.

Star jump!

My dear parents.

Of course I love you...

Miss you family. Look forward to more exciting family adventures. :)
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