Having to start back at work straight away after returning to London, my body didn't have time to adjust to the jetlag. (Note to self: Do not start work straight after a 24hour journey on a plane!) By the end of the week, I was exhausted! So much that I felt like a zombie! And then there was no rest for the wicked on the weekend as Mel and I had arranged for her to stay with me while she was in London.
So Anna, Mel and I spent all of Saturday together from morning till late at night. Our first stop was Borough market where we took advantage of all the morish foods that was on offer. Granola bars, brownies, sun dried tomato in olive oil, mushroom pate, bread, cupcakes and more. And that was just the food stalls on the outside courtyard. If you planned it well enough, you could go for lunch and not spend any money - taste testing is a wonderful thing :) But then of course taste tasting keeps you wanting more and that's how your money slowly disappears from your wallet. :P We had lunch with another highschool friend - James, and his lovely girlfriend Ashleigh (unfortunately I forgot to take a photo). It was a quick bite though as they were off to watch the matinee show for the Lion King.
Borough Market has a famous coffee company shop called Monmouth. It is reknowned for its smooth silky taste of coffee and usually there is a long line outside the store. That particular day, however, Mel and I rocked up to a surprisingly short line... so short that there actually wasn't one there! Obviously there was something not right. We later figured out that they were refitting their store and could not operate the coffee machines. SO instead, there had employees stand outside the shop to direct people to this place:
The Rabot Eastate.
You can't see a line her but inside there were so many people. It took about 15-20mins to wait for our drinks. Good business for them I guess! :)
So before us girls spent all our money at Borough market, we decided to head down town to Oxford street to pick up a few things Mel had on her list and also to browse around the Christmas sales. A few hours passed and it was time for dinner. Anna kindly invited us to her belated Christmas KK dinner with her housemates. It was at a French restaurant called Le Mercury in Angel. A three story restaurant that was packed from top to bottom. It could be the fact that they offer you a three course meal for under 15pounds! I wouldn't say the food was fantastic but it was cheap and decent food for that price.
Sunday was spent with Mel and I trying to chase up another friend at Covent Garden who was here in London. Cherie - a colleague from back home - was here on her honeymoon but unfortunately we never ended up meeting due to her having to juggle other plans that her husband had made. :(
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