Last year when my dad came over, he asked if I could buy tickets to the Ben and Jerry's festival but unfortunately the tickets had sold out by the time I checked. Luckily, Wern Yi was able to get me tickets for this year :) Why so popular? Well, it's a festival where you pay 19 pounds and get unlimited ice cream! Honest! Ok, so there are others things like a few rides, companies promoting products, food stalls, live music but most importantly, there were lots of tents with free ice cream :D You lined up at the flavour you wanted (a total of 16 at the festival) and then lined up again if you wanted more or moved on to the next flavour :) Kum and I tried about 7 and that was more than enough. A lot of people just ate the ice cream and threw away the cone. Smart move as I ate all my cones and by the end of it, I didn't feel so good. We were eating as much as we could just because we could and also felt like we needed to eat our 19 pounds worth :)
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