Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Day Out in Leytonstone

This is little Mia, 7 years old, and Wern-Yi's husband, Jeremy. I babysat Mia with Wern-Yi and Jeremy for a day. She is full of energy and very very cute.
We went to a park/open field in Leytonstone (next suburb from where I stay) and it was FREEZING cold! So cold that this picture shows a mini lake and the surface of it is frozen! It's not frozen enough for us to walk on but Mia wants to test if it'll break if she throws a piece of broken ice onto it (see next photo).

The thickness of the frozen surface was about 2-3cm thick. You can sort of see the little pieces the ice broke into.Mia found this so fascinating that she wanted me to get more big pieces of ice for her to throw. But for me to get them, I would have to walk into the water which was only a bit more than ankle deep. Now if it were any other day, I would have said no... but lucky for me, on this particular day I was wearing...

GUMBOOTS! haha.. or Wellingtons as they call it here. These are Wern-Yi's kid size gumboots that I borrowed as I was warned it was very wet and muddy. Thank goodness I listened to her... the shoes I had been wearing would soaked right through! It was a pretty cool feeling walking into the water (calf high) and knowing your feet would be completely dry!

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