Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ben and Jelly... I mean Jerry

So I've been feeling a little... well maybe more than a little... homesick lately. It's been a month and a half since I've moved to London and I'm definitely missing the people back home. Little things I see, eat or hear around London remind me of specific people, for example:

Star Wars books - my younger brother
Creative designs - my older brother and Ernie
Thai restaurants - Kelbie
Ballet accessories - Jojo
Malaysian food - my parents
Alisha Keys songs - Marlisa
Statues and clothes with rabbits - Sara
H&M stores - Mel

And the list goes on. So to add to my list, I found this the other day...

... and it reminded me of Jel :)

1 comment:

Anthony said...

I just saw some of this the other day at one of the shops on my street. Is it good? brownie in ice cream.. sounds like a good combination.

Don't worry, Mum will be coming over soon =) Ask her to bring whatever you are craving. Food that is, not people.